Artisan Villa
or “Artisan Villa, The Augustus Frank-Smallwood House”
140 North Main, Warsaw, NY
For information about the house, services and tours call Ash-Lin’s Elegant Rose Florist and Gift Shop at 585-786-8766. To reach The Looking Glass Salon call, 585-721-0135. To contact Cassandra Lavrincik Photography at the Villa, call 585-322-2597.Ash-Lin's Elegant Rose Website Lisa Seewaldt had operated Ash-Lin’s Elegant Rose Florist and Gift Shop for 14 years at 15 North Main St. before reinventing her business in the ca. 1851 Frank Mansion on North Main. The majestic two-story house sits directly across from the Wyoming County Court house, "As if it were a sentinel, keeping a watchful gaze on the goings-on across the street." Wyoming County Free Press (2014)The mansion's library offers antiques and collectibles, while Cassandra Lavrincik operates her photography shop in a former conference room. "Thru the Looking Glass Salon" also provides its hair-styling specialities in the house. With a degree and extensive floriculture experience, Lisa plans to install gardens, while working with organizations such as the FFA and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County’s Master Gardeners program. She’d also like to add a tea room eventually, and maybe host a farmers’ market on the property. Being iconic on North Main and important to Warsaw's sense of place, the historic home through its business owners invites tourists and shoppers to learn about the home's history and tour its defining architecture inside and out. All of the Villa's businesses are woman-owned in the spirit of Warsaw's 1890's suffrage history through Charlotte Smallwood-Cook's fame as New York State's first female district attorney and now the three enterprising women of the Villa. |
Grand Opening Photos - September 2014