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Corner of Livingston and Main Streets
Starting at the corner of Livingston and Main Streets, you will see the United Church Buildings on the North. The Church nearest to Livingston Street
is the Presbyterian Church building. This congregation traces its origins to 1808, only five years after the first land purchase in the town.
Architect Andrew J. Warner probably designed this building which was constructed in 1864-1865.
The town clock in the tower has been in operation since 1865.
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18 Livingston Street
This is an Italianate style building. It is a basically square structure
with a large overhang and brackets with the addition of a wrap-around
porch more often seen on later Queen Anne style houses.
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38 Livingston Street
This is a small brick house with a wooden cupola. It was completed in
1838 and was the third brick building built in Warsaw.
4. |
The Valley InnFrom here, you can look down Short Street and see the Valley
Inn on East Buffalo Street. This is an Italianate style building that has
served as an inn and restaurant since about 1946.
The Valley Inn occupies a Civil War era home built in 1861. It was constructed as a wedding gift by Theron Main for his son, James.
Edith Main was one of several children born in the home in 1866. Edith later inherited the house and lived there with her merchant husband,
James Reid. Born of the marriage were three sons, James, Jr., and twins, Lawrence and Louis. On the day the twins were born in 1887, the artesian well on the east side
of the house burst. It continues to flow today.
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46 Livingston Street
Although this house looks very modest, look up at where the roof meets
the walls of the house and you'll see a Greek Revival style return and
trim board. The porch on the front was added later. This is true of many
of the houses in Warsaw. Look up when you are investigating architecture.
Often, you may find evidence of original construction
Continue to Prospect Street and then turn south to Grove Street. Turn
west onto Grove Street. Notice the variety of columns, windows and porches.
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41 Grove Street
Here you can see what is called a hipped roof. Look at the peak of the
roof. There are also interesting window details on this house including
window brackets.
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28 Grove Street
This house has interesting porch decorations in the Eastlake style.
This type of decoration is also found on furniture from the late 19th
You can continue until you reach Fargo Street returning to the house
on the corner of Fargo and Livingston, where you can see the modern garage addition to this Italianate structure.