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Ella Hawley Crossett's grave marker is in the Warsaw Cemetery on the east side of Route 19. She is buried next to her husband, John Crossett, who remained in Warsaw while she traveled the state as the President of the New York State Suffrage Association.
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Turn onto Jefferson Street at the foot of the hill north of the cemetery. Thirty-eight Jefferson Street was the home of Minerva Conable, the widow of Benjamin Conable, who supported the cause of suffrage in Warsaw. She traveled to one state convention. Her daughter, Maude Conable and her daughter-in-law, Agnes Gouinlock Conable both lived in this house for different parts of their lives. Both were friends of the Crossetts' daughters, Julia and Caroline.
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Turn north onto Liberty Street at its intersection with Jefferson. You will come to the Warsaw Village Park. This was the scene of the Wyoming County Fair during the early years of the 20th century. The Women's Political Equality Club used the occasion of the fair to educate the public about their cause. One year they had a car parade. They always sponsored a women's tent where women could learn about voting.
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Ella Hawley Crossett's house is located on Summit Avenue and was known to area suffragists as "the house on the hill." In the early years she hosted an annual picnic here for the members of the Political Equality Club.
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Coming down West Buffalo Street, you will see the Humphrey home. The Humphrey family was also involved in supporting many political reforms, including women's suffrage.
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Take a short turn to the north on Perry Avenue to see the Gates House Museum. Along with many other social reform groups, the Gates house hosted meetings of the Political Equality Club. The Warsaw Historical Society now houses the minute books of the club in its archives.
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If you return to West Buffalo Street and head to Main Street, you will come to the intersection of Routes 19 and 20A. The church located on the southeast corner is now the United Church of Warsaw. This church was the scene of the first address given by Susan B. Anthony in Warsaw. Her address galvanized the women of Warsaw to organize themselves and begin monthly meetings of the Political Equality club.
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The Warsaw Public Library at 130 North Main Street houses an autographed copy of the History of Woman Suffrage by Susan B. Anthony presented by Ms. Anthony to the women of Warsaw for their devoted service to the cause.
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This tour ends at 189 North Main Street, the former home of the Gouinlock family. William Gouinlock purchased the house in 1883. He and his wife, Margaret Gouinlock, and their nine children lived in the home. The Gouinlocks were personal as well as political friends of the Crossetts and were involved in many of the same social activities. In addition to supporting the Political Equality Club, Margaret Gouinlock was a founding member of the Warsaw Monday Club, a study club for women encouraging all women to pursue education throughout their lives. Unfortunately, like many other women, Margaret Gouinlock did not survive to see the reality of women suffrage. She died of tuberculosis in 1906. Her daughter, Agnes, left Cornell University at that time to help care for the brothers and sisters who remained at home. She did work with Mrs. Crossett at the State Suffrage Association's New York City offices during the fall of 1910.